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Ace's Portfolio

💻 Technologies

Linux badge VS Code badge Git badge Node.js badge npm badge ESLint badge Prettier badge Babel badge Jest badge React badge Vite badge Vercel badge Framer Motion badge Swiper badge


Live Demo

Screen views

Desktop View:

desktop view

Mobile View:

mobile view

🌐 Origin


📝 Description

Builds Ace's main portfolio.

Special Features
  • Real-time feedback from fields in Connect section.
  • Highlight current section in viewport.
  • Reveal parts of work samples on scroll or drag.

🎯 Relevance

To showcase general prowess in development and works.

👥 Intended Audience

Developers, users, recruiters.


Users can install all dependencies using package.json file via:

npm install

📂 Files

File Description
src/* Source files that are bundled into the output directory dist/.
src/main.jsx The main JavaScript entry point that bundling begins.
src/App.jsx Main component where overall structure and other layout components of the app are contained.
src/assets/* All assets(images, icons, vids) used in website.
src/components/Cart.jsx Displays Cart.
src/components/About/ Components and stylesheet for About section at top of page.
src/components/Connect/ Components and stylesheet for Connect section at bottom of page. wrong.
src/components/Load/ Component and stylesheet for Load displayed at page load.
src/components/Nav/ Components and stylesheet for Nav section of page. wrong.
src/components/Skill/ Components and stylesheet for Skill section on page. wrong.
src/components/Work/ Components and stylesheet for Work section on page. wrong.
src/sreset.css Resets style to default for consistency across different devices and browsers..
src/App.css General stylesheet for App.jsx
dist/* Output files from bundling of files in directory src/.
dist/main.js Main JavaScript output file that contains the bundled JavaScript code. Code is minified and optimized for deployment.
package* Contains details of project and dependencies versions.
readme-assets/* Live demo and different screen views used in

©️ Credit

File Description
src/assets/*.lottie Lottie animation files.
src/assets/works/* Screenshots of works.

🔄 Improvements

  • Let Bot populate any free places.
  • Add loading bar.
  • Light mode and few custom colors.
  • Fine tune the min-max translate in intervals of 5 / Remove.
  • Add map to contact section.
  • Add French translation.
  • Add Subscribe to NewsLetter option in Motive in Connect's fields.
  • Set display of work samples stars to normal and fix logic to work.
  • Make country list drop down smoothly.
  • Refactor.
  • Make technologies' name have the background color of the icon
  • Instead of default immediate shift during resizing, style page in such a way that resizing animates.
  • Replace facebook icon with icon in AboutSocials.jsx.
  • Use typed.js for all typing effects (feedbacks in Fields) to enable bold and longer pause effect without inconsistencies.
  • Fix chevron cover in motive field that drops when input is checked so that it always stays in position.
  • Set display of Blog in Nav.jsx to normal and add blogs.
  • Add sound.
  • Animate image title replacement according to slide direction.
  • Make scroll appear in Safari browser.

👤 Curator

  1. Ace Da Costa Silvanus


Seek contributor's consent for any code usage.

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