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JoeStrout edited this page Dec 28, 2022 · 9 revisions

Welcome to the Farmtronics wiki!

Getting Started

  1. Download the mod zip file from the Releases page (or from NexusMods), and install it in the usual way.
  2. To use the Farmtronics Home Computer:
  • Activate the TV in your house.
  • Select the bottom-most option, Farmtronics Home Computer.
  • Type code at the prompt. See for documentation on the language (and in particular, be sure to keep the Quick Reference handy).
  • Also be sure to try the help command, and read through the various topics there.
  • To break out of a running program, press Control-C. (Except for the edit command; see Editor for details on that.)
  • Press Esc at the prompt, or click the [x] button to exit.
  1. To obtain and use a bot:
  • On the Home Computer, use the toDo command to see the tasks you still need to complete. Complete them.
  • Check your mail the next day (after completing all tasks). You should have a letter with a Bot included. (Once you have read this letter, you can purchase additional bots at Pierre's shop.)
  • Place the bot down in any empty spot on the map.
  • Right-click a bot to access its computer console.
  • Type code at the prompt. This is the same code as on the Home Computer, but allows for some additional commands, like me.position, me.ahead, me.left, me.right, me.forward, me.inventory, me.currentToolIndex (which can be assigned to), and me.useTool.


Both the Home Computer and any bots on your farm (not inside a chest or your inventory) will automatically start at the start of each day. If you have a script called exactly in the root directory, this script will automatically run. You may use this to make your bots get to work on their own.

Note that, like all other files on the /usr disk, is shared among all bots and the Home Computer. So you will probably want to write your startup script so that it checks if bot == null, and bails out (perhaps with exit) in this case.

Code Examples

Getting Help

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