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Releases: KhronosGroup/MoltenVK

Support arbitrary swizzles of image data

25 Oct 19:51
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  • Support arbitrary swizzles of image data.
  • Include struct size parameter in VK_MVK_moltenvk extension functions that pass structs that
    might change size across extension versions.
  • Remove vkGetMoltenVKDeviceConfigurationMVK() & vkSetMoltenVKDeviceConfigurationMVK() functions.
  • Allocate MVKDescriptorSets from a pool within MVKDescriptorPool
  • Support copying between textures of compatible-sized formats
  • Support VK_FORMAT_A2B10G10R10_UNORM_PACKED vertex format
  • Build scripts support SRCROOT path containing spaces.

Release for Vulkan SDK 1.1.85

01 Oct 20:31
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  • Add support for features:
    • shaderStorageImageMultisample
    • shaderStorageImageReadWithoutFormat
    • shaderStorageImageWriteWithoutFormat
    • shaderUniformBufferArrayDynamicIndexing
    • shaderSampledImageArrayDynamicIndexing
    • shaderStorageBufferArrayDynamicIndexing
    • shaderStorageImageArrayDynamicIndexing
  • Support reduced render area
  • Support rasterization to missing attachment
  • Allocate MVKCommandBuffers from a pool within MVKCommandPool.
  • Update glslang version
  • Update to latest SPIRV-Cross version:
    • MSL: Improve coordinate handling for buffer reads.
    • MSL: Expand arrays of buffers passed as input.

Add extensions and update SPIRV_Cross.

27 Sep 20:21
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  • Add support for extensions:
    • VK_KHR_maintenance2
    • VK_EXT_vertex_attribute_divisor
    • VK_KHR_sampler_mirror_clamp_to_edge
    • VK_KHR_image_format_list
    • VK_KHR_dedicated_allocation
    • VK_KHR_get_memory_requirements2
    • VK_EXT_shader_viewport_index_layer
  • Support multiple viewports and scissor rectangles.
  • Support sampleRateShading.
  • Support pre-filling Metal command buffer on same thread as Vulkan command buffer.
  • Support passing either a CAMetalLayer or an NSView/UIView in the pView member
    when creating a surface.
  • Support views of the stencil aspect of depth/stencil images.
  • Improvements to subviews on 3D textures.
  • Enforce single queue per queue family to improve Metal command buffer handling.
  • Set Metal render target sizes on iOS.
  • Fix potential deadlocks on query results and fences.
  • Fix memory leak on SPIRV conversion.
  • Update to Vulkan header 1.1.85 and latest version of library dependencies.
  • Update to latest SPIRV-Cross version:
    • MSL: Handle the ViewportIndex builtin.
    • MSL: Handle the SamplePosition builtin.
    • MSL: Fix OpAtomicIIncrement and OpAtomicIDecrement.
    • MSL: Support array of arrays composites and copying.
    • MSL: Fix issues with casting of builtin integer vectors.

Add extensions and update SPIRV_Cross.

10 Sep 20:36
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  • Add support for extensions:
    • VK_KHR_descriptor_update_template
  • Create 3D MTLTextureViews for 2D image views of 3D textures.
  • Allow building and packaging MoltenVK for of only iOS or only macOS.
  • Move packaging scripts out of Xcode projects and into script files.
  • vkUpdateDescriptorSet: Handle copies of uninitialized descriptors.
  • vkCmdFillBuffer & vkCmdCopyBuffers: Use dispatch call that supports older OS versions.
  • Update to latest SPIRV-Cross version:
    • MSL: Emit F{Min,Max,Clamp} as fast:: and N{Min,Max,Clamp} as precise
    • MSL: Implement multisampled array textures.
    • MSL: Emit spvTexelBufferCoord() on ImageWrite to a Buffer.
    • MSL: Handle interpolation qualifiers.
    • MSL: Account for components when assigning locations to varyings.
    • MSL: Do not emit function constants for version < 1.2.

Add extensions and update SPIRV_Cross.

01 Sep 22:43
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  • Add support for extensions:
    • VK_KHR_maintenance1;
    • VK_KHR_shader_draw_parameters;
    • VK_KHR_get_physical_device_properties2;
    • VK_KHR_push_descriptor;
  • Add ability to track and access supported and enabled extensions.
  • Update to latest SPIRV-Cross version.


15 Aug 20:58
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  • vkCmdFullBuffer() fills buffer using compute shader.
  • Fix API for updating MVKDeviceConfiguration::synchronousQueueSubmits.
  • vkGetPhysicalDeviceFormatProperties() return VK_FORMAT_FEATURE_VERTEX_BUFFER_BIT
    if supported, even if other format properties are not.
  • Support Metal GPU capture scopes.
  • Update to latest SPIRV-Cross, glslang & SPIRV-Tools.

Updates for CTS testing & SDK 1.1.82.

31 Jul 17:56
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Merge pull request #210 from karl-lunarg/sdk82

build: Update to get Vulkan 1.1.82 headers

Fixes to reported workgroup sizes, and attachment and image clearing to pass CTS tests.

24 Jul 04:19
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Merge pull request #200 from billhollings/master

Report correct workgroup sizes from MTLDevice.

Fixes for cube maps, texture arrays, buffer views, depth/stencil clearing, workgroup sizes, IOSurfaces, and Retina.

14 Jul 01:45
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Fixes to cube maps and texture arrays. Fix depth & stencil clearing. SDK 1.1.77 support. Larger buffer views. Improve crispness on Retina screens. Fix compute shader workgroup sizes. Cleanup iOS IOSurface support.

Device memory management changes

06 Jun 15:31
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Merge pull request #173 from billhollings/master

Device memory management changes.